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Kursus ini akan membimbing Anda untuk memanfaatkan Platform WhatsApp Business guna meningkatkan strategi berkirim pesan bisnis, berkolaborasi dengan Mitra Layanan Pesan Bisnis untuk onboarding, menyiapkan dan mengoptimalkan iklan kampanye klik ke WhatsApp, serta mengukur keberhasilan strategi Anda dengan indikator kinerja kunci.

Don't see any events here? Be sure to log into Blueprint to access a variety of events scheduled.
To log in, head to the top right corner and click on the 'Log In' button. Once logged in, review your profile information and update to reflect your (1) first name, (2) last name, (3) work email, and (4) country through this link.
Click below to view the session descriptions and to RSVP. If you don’t see a scheduled session, please come back later as we are constantly adding to our calendar.

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Check back or contact your administrator to ask about future events.