Elevate & Celebrate Chat with Clever Girl Finance
Watch session here: https://fb.me/ElevateChat2

Finance expert, author, speaker, Certified Financial Education Instructor (CEFI) and founder of Clever Girl Finance, a financial education platform and community for women empowering them to achieve financial wellness and live a life on their own terms. Facebook's Tevah “The Idea Man” El Emmet sits down with Bola for our second installment of our Elevate and Celebrate Chats to deliver gems about why it’s important to give women (especially women of color) opportunities to increase financial knowledge, why financial wellness is freedom, how to preserve your mental space and mindset as an entrepreneur, and how to figure out your “why'. And don’t forget to stick around all the way to the end for a very special surprise from My Fab Finance!
Bola Sokunbi

Bola is a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI), finance expert, author, speaker, and founder of Clever Girl Finance, a financial education platform and community for women empowering them to achieve financial wellness and live life on their own terms.
Today, Clever Girl Finance is one of the largest personal finance platforms for women in the U.S. In addition Bola and Clever Girl Finance have been featured by several media outlets including Time.com, Money Magazine, CNBC, Forbes, Fast Company, Essence, Black Enterprise, Cheddar TV, ABC News, Good Morning America, BBC, Fox Business and The Chicago Tribune as well as on several other finance websites and podcasts.